Club Memberships
Adults wishing to join (new meberships)
Step 1 Before paying your KCC membership via Scottish / British website, Contact the membership Secretary via this webmail link Contact Membership Secretary
Step 2 After the membership Secretary Click this link to pay your KCC Membership Fee (via Scottish cycling). Scottish Cycling will email you that they have charge an Admin fee of £1, then after the KCC Membership Secretary has approved you, they will receive another email from SC saying you have been approved as a KCC Member.
(please note you do NOT have to be a member of Scottish Cycling to become a member of KCC. We use British Cycling to handle the payments for which they charge you the £1 admin fee)
Step 3 Once you have been approved, the Membership Secretary will email you a Link to the Spond App which contains the KCC Group Code. Spond is used to book all KCC related events including Club Rides. Once you have downloaded the Spond App and created your account, approval will follow.
Step 4 (Optional) If you use Facebook the club has a two FB pages, one is Only for KCC Members giving information regarding club rides and which KCC Members can post onto.
Search "KCC Members" then select "request to join" approval will follow.
Juniors wishing to join (new meberships)
A Parent or a guardian of the junior MUST contact the Contact Membership Secretary before paying for a KCC membership. The junior cannot contact the membership secretary.
I should be understood that Kinross Cycling Club is predominantly an adult cycling club.
- Juniors aged 13 to under 18 require formal Parental Consent before memberships can be approved, so Parents or Guardians will need to agree (by email) that the junior can ride in Club Rides and events, but ONLY when accompanied by the junior's own parent, guardian or a responsible adult.
Note: Ride Captains/Leaders do not qualify as that responsible adult (unless it was their own child) - The membership Secretary will require the Date Of Birth of the child as part of the decision process
- It will be at the club's discretion if the Junior is to be approved or not
- British Cycling charge £1 regardless if the Junior is approved to join KCC or not. KCC is not liable for refund of the £1 if the junior is not approved by KCC
Guest Rides
- Guest rides are only open for people who have NOT previously been a KCC member.
- Guests must first contact the Membership Secretary before attending all Guest Rides, the secretary will inform the Ride organiser to expect and can inform you if the ride is cancelled.
- To contact the Membership Secretary please click Contact Membership Secretary
- The maximum number of Guest rides a person can have is 3 before deciding to join or not
Renewing your Membership
KCC memberships are due after each Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is usually held in 1st week of March. At the AGM the cost of the subs are voted on.
Please pay via the Scottish / British Cycling website, click this link KCC Membership Fee