There are currently no active events

2024 Changes

  • The Standard Competition is now only open to veterans (>40 years)


  1. We will not be issuing numbers so please call your number to the time keeper as you pass the finish line.
  2. You will need to sign up via Spond, which will close on Wednesday evening.
  3. A start sheet will be sent out in advance with your start time on it.
  4. If you are number 1, and the event start is 19:00, your start time will be 19:01, Number 2 will be 19:02 etc
  5. To unlock your league points you must volunteer at 1 or more events.
  6. Second claim members and guests are welcome if spaces allow.
  7. Working front and rear lights are required.

General Rules

In the interests of rider safety all riders warming up will be required to clear the course 2 minutes before the start of the event. Any rider on the course warming up after the event start will be subject to disqualification at the discretion of the organiser or time keeper.

  1. Age category for the whole season is determined by your age on 1st April of that year.
  2. Age categories for the competition are:
    • Junior: Under 18 [Jun]
    • Senior: 18 - 39 [Snr]
    • Veteran: 40 - 49 [Vet]
    • Senior Veteran: 50 - 54 [SVet]
    • Vintage: 55 - 59 [Vin]
    • Expert: 60+ [Exp]
  3. Age category will be preceded by gender [M]ale or [F]emale in the results tables
  4. Under 18s are welcome, but must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at the event. If over 14 they may ride solo. If under 14 we expect the parent/guardian to ride within visibility. Note; we consider some of the courses are more suitable than others for younger riders.
  5. Helmets are compulsory.
  6. No rider may impede another rider.
  7. Any current paid up member is eligible to ride. Note: second claim members are welcome to ride our events but only first claim members of Kinross CC will be awarded points and eligible for club awards.
  8. To gain points in an event both rider and bike must cross the finish line unaided.
  9. To unlock your points you must volunteer at 1 event.
  10. Guests are welcome to ride events as per our ride guidelines – up to 3 rides or events, then please consider membership to continue. Guests are not eligible for club awards.
  11. In the case an event is oversubscribed priority will be given to, members, then second claim members, then guests.
  12. The road bike category is for riders and their machines with no aerobars, TT style helmets (ears covered, visor), skin suits, wheels with depth of 80mm or more. If in doubt ask the starter - and ensure you are marked in the elected category.
  13. E-bikes that are UK road legal are allowed. They must be declared to the starter prior to the event. Although the rider will be given a position no points will be awarded to the overall league standings. Also any course record broken will not be recorded as the fastest time for the course.
  14. Tandems are allowed but although the tandem / riders will be given a position no points will be awarded to the overall league standings. Also any course record broken will not be recorded as the fastest time for the course.
  15. Our events are held on public roads which are often narrow and in some cases have limited visibility. It is therefore important that all competitors are aware of other road users at all times both in the start and finish areas. All competitors must therefore leave the road clear for through traffic at all times and where possible congregate off the road.
  16. All riders must have a red light fitted to the rear of their bike, and white light to the front, working at the start of the time trial.

Grand Prix Scoring

  1. The fastest male and female of any event will be awarded 100 points.
  2. The second place per gender will be awarded 99 points, 3rd will receive 98 points and so on until all competitors, on that particular day have received points.
  3. If more than 100 riders participate then scores of 1 will be awarded to the lowest scoring riders.
  4. If the number of events changes (roadworks/weather/...) as the season progresses the number of events counting towards the league may change. So please watch this page and the club social media for updates.
  5. A riders’ points will be calculated on their best 5 performance from the 10 planned events. The overall winner will be the club member who has amassed the highest score over the year
  6. In the event of a tie then the rider with the highest number of 1st places will win the tie. If competitors have an equal number of first placings then the highest number of second placings, third placings etc. will be taken into consideration.

Standard Competition for the “Craig Johnston Trophy”

Explanation of “standard” from the VTTA;

“The Standards, or strictly the Standard Tables, are a set of target times for each distance which take into account a rider's age, gender and type of machine. The aim is to allow all veterans to compete on a ‘level playing field’. By comparing performances against their target time, rather than on actual time, the Standards provide fair competition for all ages and both men and women.”
  1. Results from 4 events will be considered. Events: the four 10m events.
  2. Positions will be determined by the time difference between the riders actual time and age standard time. The lowest difference will be the winner.
  3. Standard times will come from the VTTA Standard Tables.
  4. The first rider in this ordering will be awarded 100 points the second 99, etc.
  5. A riders’ best three points scores will count.
  6. The rider with the most points will be the winner.
  7. The winner of the overall male, and overall female leagues, will not be eligible to win the Standard Competition.
  8. If the result is a tie; the 4th result will be used, if still tied accumulated standard time for 3, then 4 events will be used.
  9. Only solo standard bicycles, tandems, and (solo/tandem) tricycles are eligible. The male standard will be used for tandem mixed pairs.
  10. If 1 of the nominated events is cancelled, 3 events will count. If 2 are cancelled, 2 will count. If 3 are cancelled, 1 will count.

Standard Example Event Result

  1. Female age 50 – actual: 27:57 std: 29:23 diff: –1:26 pts: 100
  2. Female age 41 – actual: 28:07 std: 28:38 diff: -0:31 pts: 99
  3. Male age 61 – actual: 27:51 std: 27:58 diff: -0:07 pts: 98

Disciplinary Actions

All disciplinary actions will be dealt with immediately on the night or up to 7 days after the event.

  1. eg type of machine being ridden, impeding by traffic, mechanical, harassment by another rider, heavy rain in later part of event, or whatever will be resolved by a Grand Prix committee of 3. Namely the GP organiser or commissaires for the evening event (if different), time keeper (if different to GP organiser) and one other member for the KCC committee selected by GP organiser.
  2. Resolutions may or may not be given on the night.

(Please note that a mechanical failure, change in weather or traffic impediments will not usually qualify for any form of compensation to the individual)


Please be reminded that the club has no responsibility to individual members regarding any form of insurance. It is up to the individual member to organise his/her own comprehensive, public liability and third party insurance. This can be obtained as a British Cycling Gold or Silver member Please note only Gold Membership from British Cycling provides the rider with personal accident insurance, Silver membership provides the rider with third party liability, Bronze membership provides no insurance cover. These rules (especially those affecting a riders safety) may have to be reviewed and amended from time to time. Rule revisions affecting scoring will only take place in the closed season. It is in all our interest that we keep this to a minimum but rules are sometimes a necessary evil to ensure all our safety and above all our enjoyment of the event.

By entering KCC events all club members will agree to and abide by all requirements as laid out in the rider agreement.