There is a WhatsApp group called  "KCC Watopia Warriors" that KCC members can join by typing their name and mobile number into the webmail below.

Either of the two admins (David Haining and Richard Sanderson) will add you to the group.

Please do Not post your phone number on the KCC Members Facebook page. (GDPR reasons)

Invites onto the virtual rides, can be booked via the Spond App. 

Spond has further details including links to Club's Discord channel, which is used to talk to each other during the ride as if we were along side each other on the road.



Please click on the penguin
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To be updated ...

Winter is here so are the dark nights and chilly mornings, so we're restarting the midweek virtual rides (from 3rd November). Details are regularly posted in the member's Facebook Group of these and ad-hoc member group rides - if you're not on Facebook drop us a message over on the contact form (recipient: Web Manager).